Thursday, January 18, 2007

Love poured out

A Promise Kept by Robertson McQuilkin
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois, 1998.

This is an unforgettable story of a love between a husband and wife, Robertson and Muriel McQuilkin. As Muriel, with Alzheimer's, slowed down and found her only security in the presence of her husband, Robertson retired from his position as president of Columbia Bible College and Seminary to care for her at home.

No one ever needed me like Muriel, and no one ever responded to my efforts so totally as she. It's the nearest thing I've experienced on a human plane to what my relationship with God was designed to be: God's unfailing love poured out in constant care of helpless me. (p. 33)

Of course, the passion of his love for me never cooled. Even in the darkest hours, when I felt my grip slipping and I was in danger of sliding into the abyss of doubt, what always caught and held me was the vision of God's best-loved, pinioned in criminal execution in my place. (p. 62)

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